Humans Hardly Dink a few sips of water during the day and only consume somewhat higher quantity between meals .
they believe that the quality of food they consume, along with supplements of minerals and vitamins, are all that is required to keep good health. The requirement of every organ for the right amount of water to carry on its functions properly, however cannot be altered . Backpains A very common complaint for middle - aged people , proper water intake can lessen the problem
Can lack of water cause lower back pain?
Dehydration can cause back pain when the gelatinous material inside your discs lose water and are unable to hold the weight of your body, this causes the disc to collapse which can put pressure on the sensitive nerves exiting the spinal column.
Water: Essential to your body
Dehydration can cause back pain when the gelatinous material inside your discs lose water and are unable to hold the weight of your body, this causes the disc to collapse which can put pressure on the sensitive nerves exiting the spinal column.
Water: Essential to your body