During a diet regimen, it is not sufficient if you just avoid the things to be avoided. You should also Include certain things for the benefits of the cure.
Fresh fruits and fruits juices, linke oranges, grapes, pineapple, apple and melon should be taken in plenty. fresh vegetables and vegetable juices like that of cabbage and cucumber, sprouted grains, whole wheat bread and milk are essential. Avoid stress and tension. curt has the unique quality of reducing stress. So include curds liberally.
The diet chart to be followed by patients suffering from migraine is given below:
Duration one month if chronic and ten to fifteen days if recent
7:30 a.m : 1 glass of orange juice.
9:30 a.m : Fresh fruits, apple, pineapple, grapes, one glass of milk.
11:30 a.m sprouted moong or Chana, one glass curd, vegetable juice.
2 p.m: To rotis, boiled vegetables, vegetables salad and curd
4:30 : pm fresh fruits, juice
7:30 one roti , plenty of vegetable salad and curd
Chew the food thoroughly and eat slowly.
if the diet is planned in summer, it will be ideal because the chance of getting complete cure is excellent .
its is only summer even those who are abdicated coffee or tea , replace them with fruits and vegetables juice ,
small meals, instead of big ones, are recommended.
Overeating should be avoided .
after following the diet chart for 20 to 25 days, there will be one energetic feeling.
Consumption of oily, spicy and sweet things should be drastically reduced to retain the beneficial effect of the treatment .
This Diet Will Help you .
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