Often we are confused to understand the basic about nerve and Vein? Here you can easily understand .
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What is the difference between Nerve and Vein?
Connected System:
Nerve: Nerves make the nerve net of the nervous system.
Vein: Veins make the venous system of the circulatory system.
Nerve: Nerves are made up of axons and dendrites.
Vein: Veins are made up of outer tunica adventitia, middle tunica media, and inner tunica intima.
Nerve: Nerves are important to carry out sensory functions.
Vein: Veins carry deoxygenated blood towards the heart.
Material Transported:
Nerve: Nerves transport electrochemical pulses.
Vein: Veins transport deoxygenated blood.
Nerve: Most nerves are not interconnected.
Vein: All veins are interconnected.